All posts by meylec2

    In the past I have written about the impact of finances on our mental health. Our financial situation can often make a mental health issue worse. This is not entirely surprising as many financial challenges can coincide with difficult personal situations and major changes in our lives, some of which may be traumatic. The death of a close family member or a divorce come to mind, but financial pressures can also be one of many issues that can cause a tipping point.

    A financial advisor can help with many financial issues and help prepare for unexpected events that can improve a financial situation, and this can reduce stress. A financial advisor, however, is not equipped to provide help with mental health issues. That is why I am including a link to the Canadian Mental Health Association ( There are many great resources on the site that can provide insight and show how to get help. Here are some sobering facts from the CMHA website which shows that we cannot ignore mental health:
    • In any given year 1 in 5 Canadians will personally experience a mental health problem.
    • By age 40, 50% of Canadians will have had a mental illness.
    • Almost half of the people who feel that they have suffered from depression do not seek help.
    Remember that it is not just the individuals that are impacted, but family, friends, and coworkers as well.

    To help in a small way, I am participating in the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride on May 23, 2021. In cooperation with Movember, the purpose of the ride is to raise awareness and funds for mental health and prostrate cancer. If you are able to donate, your contribution will be greatly appreciated. Here is my link: You can also find more info about the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride here.

    Thank you for whatever support you can provide. If you are suffering, there is help and you are not alone. If you want to discuss your financial issues, please do not be afraid to reach out.

    Thanks. Be safe. Be healthy.


    As an advisor, I find it very helpful to know what the people managing the mutual funds that I recommend think about the markets, the economy, and where they think they can make money. I think more investors should take the time to understand what the portfolio managers that are investing for them are thinking, as there is so much more to a mutual fund investment than the basic summary that most people look at.
    With that in mind, let me present a podcast given by David Fingold of Dynamic Funds. He discusses the markets, the economy, and where he thinks he can make money for his investors. I hope it gives you some insight. If you have questions about the funds that David manages or any investment that you own, please let me know, and I can try to get clarity and answers from the portfolio managers.

    David’s podcast:
    We Remain Optimistic on the Economy


    I wanted to share this article from Brian Levitt, an analyst with Invesco Canada. It provides an interesting picture of the markets during the last year and questions one of the “rules of investing” – buy low and sell high. He argues that it is unrealistic to buy investments when the markets are at their lows due to uncertainty and our own biases. I would tend to agree. As much as we would like to think that we make rational decisions, we often make decisions that are contrary to logic. We know markets go up and down, we know that markets go up over the long term, and we know that we should buy investments when the price is low; however, putting money into an investment when the price is low and continues to go lower with no end in sight is something that few people are able to bring themselves to do, even when they know that the price will be higher if they stay invested over the long term. Essentially, Brian is saying that today’s high will seem low with the passage of time.

    This is why I think advisors are so important. We can provide perspective and help people work through their biases and fears, which can lead to better financial decisions, whether it is to buy low or buy high, because if you are not invested over the long term, you will miss out.

    All the best,

    Buy high, sell higher

    This month I thought I would share this recent podcast from Tye Bousada, a portfolio manager and founding partner of Edgepoint Wealth Management. I know that the vast majority of investors do not really pay attention to how their investments are managed by the men & women whose job it is to make investment decisions on the investors’ behalf. I understand; life is busy and talking about investing can be boring at the best of times. I think, however, that many investors are missing an opportunity to better understand what they are investing their money in and how the investment is run. To that end, this podcast from Tye is approachable, as he talks about what he saw in the markets in 2020 and how they continue to respond to the COVID pandemic. He also gives some excellent advice for any investor.
    I have invested with Tye and Edgepoint for a long time and I hope you take the time to listen. Of course, if you have any questions about Edgepoint or your own investment journey, please feel free to get in touch with me.


    Not investing with the herd in 2020

    Much has changed for us in the last year, and when it comes to the markets, the pandemic has raised many questions. I am happy to offer this presentation in conjunction with Franklin Templeton that covers historical market shocks, human nature during volatile times, and three takeaway strategies to help get through it all.

    1. Gain perspective on the market.
    2. Manage your expectations. The importance of financial planning and preparation.
    3. Manage your emotions. Helping you get through a difficult time without making a critical behavioral mistake at the wrong time.

    Please join me for this complimentary presentation on January 28 at 4pm.

    Let’s face it, we are living in a stressful time.  Most of us are dealing with issues that we never expected to have.  We are changing the way we behave and work, whether we want to or not.

    Part of the stress we are experiencing is financial.  Reduced hours or the possibility of job loss and he fluctuation of the markets has added to the pressure of paying bills, saving for education and retirement.  This financial stress follows us.  It is being brought to work – never mind that for many of us work and home are now the same place.  This stress is resulting in less productivity according to a recent poll conducted by Manulife.  It appears that 11% of us think about our finances during working hours every day, and 57% miss work due to personal financial stress.

    As a small business owner, a decline in productivity combined with the uncertain economic landscape that COVID continues to provide, is not a recipe for success or confidence.  The survey potentially brings more unpleasant news as it found that most employees feel that their employers should help them deal with their financial stress.  But how exactly can a small business owner help?

    Luckily, there are a couple of simple ways that that entrepreneurs can help the people that they employ.

    The first is by offering a group benefit and retirement package.  The second is sponsoring workplace financial wellness programs.

    Group benefits include services such as medical and dental coverage that protect employees from expenses that are not covered by the province or supplement coverage such as dental and disability insurance.  Group benefits can make expensive prescriptions more affordable, for example, and reduce the worry caused by large bills.

    Likewise, a group retirement plan sponsored by a business owner, can encourage people to save for their retirement.  Such programs can help them get started or supplement their own personal savings.  Again, this can reduce worry that thoughts of retirement can have, helping employees have better focus at work.

    Financial wellness programs can take many shapes but typically allow participants to learn about common financial concerns like retirement and investment concepts.  Such programs can answer questions and provide guidance, giving peace of mind.  The Manulife survey found that 86% of people polled feel that such a program would help them and be beneficial.

    Besides reducing financial stress, programs such as the ones described, offer other benefits to both employees and small business owners.  Employees are more likely to refer friends to job openings and the business is more likely to attract and retain qualified people.

    If you would like a copy of the Manulife 2020 financial stress survey, contact me and I would be happy to give you a copy.

    I also provide group benefits and retirement from some of the best carriers in Canada.  My Financial Wellness program is offered to all benefit clients and is also available on its own.  Reach out to me to see if I can help your business and employees.

    Thanks and remember that we can get through this together.


    Chris Meyler, Financial Advisor & President


    Are you watching the news right now?  Are you following the US presidential election?  It is hard not to. It seems like it is being talked about all the time on all media.  As a financial advisor, I am getting a lot of questions about the election and its impact on investments and the markets.  This is understandable since a tweet can send the markets tumbling or soaring.  But when it comes right down to it, the election’s influence on the markets is essentially meaningless – unless your investment timeframe is November 1 to 5.  Everyday the markets go up or the markets go down.  The election will not and does not change that.  All the speculation and debate in the media does not matter.   It is noise.  Ignore it.

    One of the principles of the philosophy of Stoicism is that we cannot control external events.  We can only control our reactions to events.  In financial planning, in preparing for your retirement, we cannot control the markets or how the government will tax us.  What we can do is understand and create our investment objectives, including what to invest in, for how long, and how much to invest.  We can also outline how we should react to market performance, including downturns.  This is our financial plan.

    Our plan allows us to ignore the noise and evaluate the current conditions objectively because we have a bigger, longer term perspective.  Stoicism also teaches that things are not inherently good or bad.  It is our internal judgement that classifies things good or bad.  “For there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” as Hamlet said.  The media usually portrays a market downturn as a bad thing, but if you planned for and expected one, it can be a good event because it can allow you to increase your wealth over time.

    As a species, we have a need to feel like we are in control.  This can lead us to make decisions that may not be in our own best interests.  We react because we want to take action and feel we must do something.  But sometimes doing nothing is the right thing to do.  Doing nothing is also an action.  Planning ahead and remembering our plan is the ultimate form of action and control.  Self control.

    “It is harder to manage yourself than it is to manage your money.” The Rules of Wealth – Richard Templar

    Here are some tips:

    • Remember your reasons for investing
    • Are any changes furthering or hindering your objectives?
    • What is your timeline?
    • Don’t make decisions based on the news cycle – it will change, give it a minute
    • Choose investments that are not dependent on governments
    • Get professional advice to help with your objectives and keep you on track


    Try not to get too caught up in the here and now.  Remember why you are investing and try to look at the bigger picture.  An advisor can help coach you and provide a larger perspective, helping to keep you on track.  Don’t be afraid seek out assistance.  I am here to help.


    All the best.


    A couple of years ago I wanted a new deck.  I checked around and found out what the professionals were charging, and I thought that it was too much.  How difficult is it to build a deck?  After a little research and buying a couple how to books, I decided that I would save some money and build my own deck.  It would be fun.

    There were no major problems and I now have a deck that I built myself.  It was not, however, fun and it is no where near what I had envisioned.   A professional would certainly have done better.  In fact, after a couple of years, I am thinking about having it rebuilt by a professional to get the deck I really wanted.  I guess I could have saved myself time and money if I had hired a professional in the first place.

    What does my DIY adventure have to do with personal finance, though, you may be asking at this point?  Well, the same DIY principles can apply to finance.  Go to any bookstore and there will be a large section devoted to personal finance.  Most of them claim that you can do it yourself.  And they are right – to a point.  Investing can be as simple as following an index, but, like my deck, it is also deceptively more complex.  Warren Buffet’s business partner, Charles Munger said, “Investing is simple, but not easy.”

    Despite the DIY industry, the fact remains that a professional advisor can help add significant value to a financial plan by helping to create a plan, choosing the right investments, helping with taxes and regulations, and keeping you on track when everyone seems to be panicking.  This report by the Conference Board of Canada shows the benefit.

    Saving for the Future: Impacts of Financial Advice on the Canadian Economy

    This is why I always encourage people to seek out professional financial advice.  If you have a financial question, I hope you will reach out.  I will be happy to talk to you.




    After about 3 months of isolation we are all getting tired of reading about it so I thought it would be nice to return to basics and talk about the difference between saving and investing.  This article from Fidelity explains the difference between the two words which are sometimes used interchangeably.

    Saving can be one of the hardest things to start.  There are so many reasons and excuses not to save. We are constantly subjected, even during isolation, by ads convincing us to buy this, that, and the other thing.  After all, we deserve it don’t we?   Yes and no.  We all need to reward ourselves occasionally, but that expensive purchase is soon forgotten or supplanted by something else.  The reward brought instant gratification, and saving, unfortunately, does not bring the same satisfaction.  It is a more subtle type of pleasure.

    Saving is a balance between the present and the future.  The present is tangible.  The future is elusive.  A bird in hand is better than two in the bush, right?  Saving for a future that may be 20 or 30 years away is hard because it is easier to prioritize where we are now.  If we don’t think about the future, though, we are hurting ourselves.  In the long run.  Perhaps we should look at saving as an investment in our future selves.  Perhaps the best purchase we can make is to not make a purchase.

    Stay safe & healthy,


    We’ve all been in isolation for a while now and are anxious to get out and return to normal.  But will that normal be the same normal as the before-time?  We are experiencing the biggest medical emergency since 1918.  Is this reality going to affect our behaviour in the short term?  Probably?  Will our behaviour change over a longer period of time?  That remains to be seen.  I would argue that the Great Depression had a lasting impact on the working and spending habits of the generation that lived through it.  I think it can also be argued that the prosperity of the post war years had a similar impact on the baby boom generation.  Is COVID-19 a big enough event to have the same sort of influence?  We will find out in the coming months.  How do you think you will act?

    While we wait, here are 3 videos that explore what the after-time may look like from an economic point of view.

    Enjoy & stay safe.

    Reopening the economy: What will the new normal look like?

    Life in a post-COVID-19 world with Ian Bremmer

    Indoors and online: How the COVID-19 lockdown is changing retail