All posts by meylec2

    After over 2 years of straight up growth, the markets have returned to more normal periods of volatility.  While these are a regular and expected part of market activity, it never feels good to experience them.  It is our feelings that compel us to want to react and do the primary activity to wealth destruction – buying high and selling low.  The good news is that you can have professional managers keeping watch over you money, who make objective, unemotional, professional decisions to help you build wealth every day.  These professionals are taking advantage of market volatility to ensure that your money is participating in the primary activities of wealth creation – buying low, staying invested, compounding growth and eventually selling high.

    More good news is that this market volatility is not nearly as bad as you feel or as the media wants you to feel.  Market valuations which were looking stretched at the beginning of the year now look attractive as stocks are trading below their historical average prices in relation to their earnings.  The probabilities of a global recession are low and the global economy and corporate profits are in line for another year of growth, albeit slower growth than the last couple of years.  But slower growth is far from a disaster scenario.  In fact, economic and profit growth means that investors could continue to see positive returns over the coming year.

    In the short-term, the market needs to hash out a few uncertainties – rising interest rates, slower global growth and corporate earnings and how trade relations between countries will affect those two factors.  As mentioned above, this is not a case of contraction, but simply one of slowing growth.  How the market deals with uncertainty is to price in the worst case scenario and then float back up as reality becomes clear.  Unfortunately it may take a few months for the market to get a clear enough picture to feel comfortable moving forward again, or it could gain that comfort tomorrow.  The reality is none of us knows that timeline for sure.  But what is clear is that once investors find that comfort, these markets will begin once again to move forward and quickly erase the gains of the past months.  It is our job to make sure that you are there, participating in market growth when it happens.

    It is at times like these where it is important to review how smart people have become wealthy overtime, to ensure our emotions don’t lead us away from that good behavior.  How the smart money builds wealth is not complicated, it’s really quite simple.  But simple does not mean easy.  Part of our job, is to make it easier for you to stay with the smart money and grow your wealth so you can enjoy your life to the fullest.

    There are always reasons to scare us off the path.  Always temptations to participate in the wealth destructing behaviors listed above.  In fact, if we go back over the last 50+ years, we can see there was a reason every year to want to run away from volatile stock markets and bury our money in a bunker where it can be safe and restrained.  If there was ever a time not to invest, it was the 1960’s.  The tumultuous presidency of JFK took investors through violent race tensions, a building of military tensions between the 2 superpowers of the world – the U.S. and Russia, and ended sadly in JFK’s assassination.  The peak of fears for investors came in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis when the world’s 2 biggest military powers sat with their fingers over the button, ready to launch their large missile arsenals at each other.  The world was literally on the edge of blowing up.  Yet, if you had invested $100,000 in the U.S. stock market back then and despite wars, recessions, crisis, scandals and varied amounts of volatility, you had kept your money invested.  You would have over $25 MILLION today!

    This is what the smart money understands and how smart people have built wealth for generations.  They understand the power of investing in the growth of companies and their unrelenting pursuit to make money over time.  Like smart business people they understand that life will always be fraught with uncertainty and therefore volatility.  But they see through the uncertainty to the opportunity before them.  For most of us, the uncertainty of life and therefore markets makes investing seem like a gamble.  And we are not wrong, there are similarities.  But the difference is when it comes to investing in stock markets we are not the chump walking into the casino who will eventually lose all of his or her money.  When investing in the stock markets we are more like the casino, taking the risk of loss with each game, knowing we will make money over time.

    How does a casino profit over time when it takes so much risk gambling with its patrons?  Why do smart business people invest in casino’s and profit off them over time?  The reason is simple – the odds are in their favour.  The casino will only gamble on games where the odds are in their favour to win.  Then they work to encourage their patrons to play those games over and over again.  Because the more times they play, the more the odds will play out over time and the casino will win.  This is the same as investing in the stock market.  We know the odds are in our favour to win.  Stock markets go up more often, for longer and by higher amounts than they go down.  This means that odds are in your favour that if you put money in the stock markets you will win more often and by more than you will lose.  But like the casino, for the odds to work in your favour you have to keep playing.


    The biggest mistake investors make, is thinking that they can only play when there is a winning hand.  If only we could know when that was.  The reality is that investors who try to time the market, only serve to reduce their odds of success and erode their gains over time.  In fact, over the past 40 years, investors who had tried to time markets and missed the 10 best months in the market – that’s only 2% of the months over that period.  So put another way, those investors who had tried to time the market and got it right 98% of the time and just got it wrong 2% of the time – gave up over 50% of their return.  In fact, those investors that were lucky enough to be 85% accurate would have still given up ALL their potential return.  Yet, had they  just stayed in vested in the S&P/TSX index stock over that period they would have made over 48 times their money.  (See chart below 487803/10000=48.78)


    The smart investors understand that investing in stock markets is about playing the odds. And that to benefit in those odds you have to keep playing as often as possible.  The longer you are invested and the more days you are in the market, the better potential to grow your wealth.  They understand that to participate in the odds they will have to lose some days, months and even years.  But by continually participating, the odds are in their favour to build significant wealth.

    If you were to look over any 1 year period historically in Canadian stocks, you would see that you could have had a return on the S&P/TSX of anywhere between around -40% to +85%.  But, if you took your focus off 1 year and rode it out over 3, 5, 10, 20 years, the probability of loss declines and the probability of gains increase.  While over one year there is a wide range of possibilities, 20 year periods invested in Canadian stock markets would have had a potential average annual compound return of anywhere between 7% – 12%.  The smart money understands that if they stay in, they have great odds of growing their money at incredible rates.


    It is our job to make sure that you invest like the smart money and build your wealth up to and through retirement.  Remember that the day you retire you DO NOT become a short-term investor.  Odds are that you will be retired and need to live off your money for 20 to 30 years.  So while you may need 1/20th or 1/30th of you money the year you retire, you will not spend much of your money for 20 or more years.  So as your advisor, we continue to focus on ensuring you participate in these incredible odds to build wealth.  That is why smart investors who heed the advice of financial professionals like us, will be up to 4 times wealthier than those who heed the advice of their emotions.

    1 Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations 2016

    If you wish to discuss what is going on in the markets and how it affects your long-term financial plans, please give me a call or email.



    P.S. If you want to know more about risk and odds, I would recommend reading Against the Gods by Peter L. Bernstein.

    Saving and investing can seem complicated and this often leads to a paralysis of action.  There is so much information, it can be hard to determine what is right for you.  Faced with too much to process, it is easier to do nothing.  This strategy, as you can imagine, does not lend itself to meeting your retirement or savings wishes.  This article from Manulife outlines simple, easy to implement guidelines to get you started and keep you focused despite all the noise that may distract you and make you question your course of action, causing you to waiver from your aspirations.

    I hope you enjoy the article and find it a good starting point.  If you would like more resources or have questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



    P.S. Have a great holiday and all the best for the New Year.

    Back to basics Focus on the fundamentals for an investment strategy that’s right for you

    Planning for your retirement can seem like an overwhelming task.  It is so far away and the amount of money needed to save appears like an insurmountable sum.  It is so much easier to focus on the here and now.  After all, the future will take care of itself.  It will, but probably not in the way that you will like.  As Alex Haley, the author of Roots observed, “Either you deal with what is the reality, or you can be sure that the reality will deal with you.”

    The good news is you can easily take care of the future without spending too much time or sacrificing your finances today.  You already pay your bills every month, but do you pay the most important person in your life – yourself?  Make sure you pay yourself first today and your future self will thank you.

    Peter Wouters explains how in this short video and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have now, or in the future.

    After taking a holiday form blogging in the summer, I want to start up again with this 3rd quarter commentary from Geoff MacDonald, a portfolio Manager from Edgepoint Wealth Management. I know what you are thinking – “A 3rd quarter commentary? That’s as interesting as watching grass grow.” Usually, you would be correct. However, this article challenges our perceptions and asks if what we hold to be true is actually true. Are our preconceived ideas supported by facts? The easy path is to take what we are told at face value. Let’s face it, it takes time & effort to verify the facts. The effort, however, is probably worth it. If we look at the recent stock market results and the headlines surrounding them, the news sounds pretty bad. Maybe you want to withdraw your investments and save the money under your mattress? What if you knew, as Geoff points out, that the average yearly drawdown on the S&P 500 is 13.8%? With that perspective, the recent market volatility does not seem all that bad because you would know that the markets still grow with an average downturn of 13%.

    A little perspective can be illuminating.

    I hope you take the time to read the commentary. I know I am going to look for a copy of Factfulness.

    Edgepoint Q3 Commentary

    The past few months I have written about the link between stress, health, and finances. I would like to continue the discussion by focusing on how stress can impact your financial decisions and discuss some strategies to help mitigate the impact stress can have on your finances.

    Stress can have many sources and it can impact our decision making process. When it comes to your finances, a poor decision can have lasting effects, further increasing stress levels. We have all heard of the fight or flight reactions, and stress can initiate these reactions, and this, in turn can affect our decision making process. We can, for example, fight by becoming aggressive and impulsive. Or we can be influenced by flight which may lead us to feelings of denial or a desire to disengage. Finally, we may freeze. In such cases, we may be incapable of making any decisions.

    When faced with any of these situations, we are not acting in a rational way. We are being influenced by our emotions. To help ourselves and to bring our finances back into perspective, we can prepare a “What if” plan long before the stress occurs. This will become a playbook to follow during challenging moments of our lives.

    The first step is to create a financial plan that outlines your goals, timelines, risk tolerances, and the reasons why you started investing or bought an insurance policy. You and your advisor can use this plan to determine if the original rationale is still valid and discuss why it is or is not.

    Secondly, we can create a Stress Management Intervention Strategy (SMIS) that records your potential stress triggers and your potential reactions to them. At this point it is very important to be honest with yourself. If not, the process becomes less effective. Like the financial plan, this will be referenced by yourself and your advisor to help determine if stress may be affecting your financial decisions.

    Thirdly, we can create a Panic Prevention Plan (PPP). This document is a note to yourself to outline actions to take if you find yourself wanting to make changes. The purpose again is to remind yourself of the original intention and provides an action plan to step back and look at the bigger picture. If changes still should be made, you can rest assured that you made a calm, rational decision by essentially telling yourself to take a deep breath and look at the facts.

    I hope that this process has given you something to think about. If you want to know how to implement this 3 step process into your own finances, please feel free to contact me.

    Chris Meyler
    Financial Advisor & President

    Last month I wrote about the connection between personal finances and mental well being. In that article, I mentioned that good place to start looking for help is your workplace benefits program. Many programs have excellent resources that can help. The advisor that works with your employer and the insurance companies may be able to provide financial help as well. I offer financial information sessions and individual services to employees, for example.

    Small business owners should also be concerned about the financial health of their employees. This article from Manulife Financial outlines some troubling statistics. The stress caused by financial difficulties can lead to lost productivity, absenteeism, and turnover. To attract new employees and retain current employees, small business owners should take a look at providing a benefit package that provides for both the physical and mental aspects of an employee’s well being. Partnering with an advisor that can provide financial training and support to employees may provide an additional advantage. An employer that provides resources to support employees not only reduces the employees’ stress, but their own as well, as it is one less thing to worry about.

    If you would like more information on Lifetime Financial Services’ Group Benefit program, including financial training and support, please feel free to get in touch.

    For anyone with financial questions, please do not be afraid to seek help.

    Money issues can cause stress. To anyone who has had trouble making ends meet, that may be an understatement. Thinking about financial issues can easily overwhelm your daily life affecting your relationships, your performance at work, your self esteem, and even your health. It can seem like a big, dark hole with no way to get out.

    The good news is that you are not alone. There are programs and people that can help.

    This video and article from Manulife list a few simple ways to start helping yourself. A good beginning may be to find someone that will listen to you without judgement. If you don’t know anyone that you are comfortable talking to, you may want to investigate the benefits available at work. Many benefit packages include programs that help deal with stress.

    A trusted financial professional can help with the money issues. Setting priorities, goals, and short and long term plans can help manage the issue. Breaking a problem into smaller more manageable parts can make you feel
    better about the situation, especially when you reach milestones on the journey to resolving the issue.

    Don’t be afraid; you are not alone.


    Chris Meyler
    Financial Advisor & President


    As more and more of our everyday lives happen online, we are becoming more vulnerable to identity theft – the acquiring and collecting of personal information for criminal purposes. In fact, it looks like there were more instances of identity theft in the US in 2017 than in any previous year, according to Javelin Strategy and Research as reported by CBS news on Feb 6, 2018.

    In order to protect yourself and your family it is important to be careful online and offline. According to the RCMP, thieves are looking for info such as your SIN, PINs, passport number, credit card info, driver’s license number, and mother’s maiden name. This type of information should only be provided when needed and to institutions that actually need them for identification and tax reporting purposes. For example, your SIN is not needed or required when signing up for phone or internet services. This Government of Canada site lists who should and shouldn’t ask for your SIN.

    To protect yourself and your family, consider shredding any mail or papers with any of the personal information listed above by the RCMP. Make sure that any email attachments are safe by following up with the person who sent it. An email that looks like it comes from a friend or even a bank may not actually be from that source. Read the email policy of the companies that you deal with – or ask them about it when you sign up for their services.

    Another strategy may be to subscribe to a service such as Horizons Guard that monitors your Credit Bureau file and will alert you of any unusual behaviour and help restore your credit if there is a breach.

    We all take precautions to safe guard our physical lives, such as security alarms and insurance. We are entering a time when it is coming just as important to protect our virtual lives as well.

    By the way, please feel free to contact me if you have questions about Horizons Guard or if you want to enroll, it is a simple online application.

    Be safe!

    Chris Meyler
    Financial Advisor & President

    The last 3 months I have talked about 3 basic elements of your financial life that can either cause great stress and worry or form a solid foundation to the rest of your life: cash flow & budget, saving, and debt. This month I would like to put these 3 elements together with 5 steps to follow to give you that solid financial foundation and build good financial habits for the rest of your life. None of the ideas are revolutionary or new. In fact, I am sure that you have heard them before. The difficulty lies, as in most things, in the implementation and continued follow up. It is easy to get off track and give up. How often have you started a project with the best of intentions on to abandon it? Be honest. We all have.

    Luckily it is just as easy to start again or pick up where you left off. These steps do not need to take a large commitment of time or money. They just need a small and consistent application of their principles. And don’t forget that you are not alone. If you need help staying focused, help is available. Professional athletes have coaches for a reason: to keep them focused and provide a perspective that they cannot see for themselves.

    This month’s article comes again from Peter Wouters. I have had Peter as a guest speaker for my clients several times. He is always insightful and provides a wealth of knowledge.

    I hope you implement these ideas in your own finances. If you need some advice, resources, or even just someone to help keep you on track, I would be happy to help.

    5 tips for financial success in later life

    Chris Meyler
    Financial Advisor & President