Category Archives: Retirement
Figuring out your income when you retire can be difficult. There are tons of books and articles that seem to offer easy to follow recipes about how to manage the multiple sources of your income in retirement. There is, however,…Continue Reading
Last time I talked about the importance of life insurance and how it can help your family if a life ending tragedy were to occur. This time around I would like to discuss another under appreciated insurance product that can…Continue Reading
There is no question that our concept of retirement is changing. There are different expectations between generations and genders. Even spouses may have different expectations. Have a look at this article by Peter Wouters for some interesting statistics. Do you…Continue Reading
Since we are in the middle of RRSP season, I thought I would list some of the great reasons to open a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) to save for your retirement. Here are the top 6 reasons to open…Continue Reading
Saving and investing can seem complicated and this often leads to a paralysis of action. There is so much information, it can be hard to determine what is right for you. Faced with too much to process, it is easier…Continue Reading
Planning for your retirement can seem like an overwhelming task. It is so far away and the amount of money needed to save appears like an insurmountable sum. It is so much easier to focus on the here and now. …Continue Reading
The past few months I have written about the link between stress, health, and finances. I would like to continue the discussion by focusing on how stress can impact your financial decisions and discuss some strategies to help mitigate the…Continue Reading
Last month I talked about the importance of managing your cash flow and how it forms the basis of a solid financial foundation – and reduce stress. This month, I want to talk about a few simple savings strategies to…Continue Reading
There has been some press lately centred on whether financial advisors provide true advice or are just sales people. The truth is that some advisors are just sales people and don’t really provide true advice. I recently received a phone…Continue Reading
This time of year, many people turn their thoughts toward saving for their retirements. Putting some extra money into an RRSP feels good and can make the tax season a little more bearable. RRSPs are great, but they do have…Continue Reading