Category Archives: Estate Planning
No matter the age of life you are in, your financial plan should be your boon companion and echo your place upon the stage, helping you with your life goals, for your lifetime. Looking for your cue? Lifetime Financial Services…Continue Reading
In my last two articles about life insurance and critical illness insurance, I said that they are often underappreciated financial tools that can help a family in a time of tragedy. This month, I will take a closer look at…Continue Reading
Last time I talked about the importance of life insurance and how it can help your family if a life ending tragedy were to occur. This time around I would like to discuss another under appreciated insurance product that can…Continue Reading
When people hear the term “financial plan”, life insurance probably does not pop into their heads. No surprise there. It is certainly not the most exciting finance tool around, but arguably, it could be the one of the most important. …Continue Reading
There has been some press lately centred on whether financial advisors provide true advice or are just sales people. The truth is that some advisors are just sales people and don’t really provide true advice. I recently received a phone…Continue Reading
Spring is in the air and you’re probably just itching to get into those closets and organize! But have you considered organizing your personal and financial information, too? When an emergency strikes, the last thing your family needs to be…Continue Reading
I had some great questions about gifting and joint accounts at an Estate Planning seminar I held earlier this week. This article address some of the concerns surrounding giving gifts. If you need any more information, please feel free to…Continue Reading
On January 1, 2015, important changes to Ontario’s probate process were made. This document from Mackenzie Financial outlines the changes and their impact. I encourage you to read if you or anyone you know is or will be an Executor…Continue Reading