Money issues can cause stress. To anyone who has had trouble making ends meet, that may be an understatement. Thinking about financial issues can easily overwhelm your daily life affecting your relationships, your performance at work, your self esteem, and even your health. It can seem like a big, dark hole with no way to get out.
The good news is that you are not alone. There are programs and people that can help.
This video and article from Manulife list a few simple ways to start helping yourself. A good beginning may be to find someone that will listen to you without judgement. If you don’t know anyone that you are comfortable talking to, you may want to investigate the benefits available at work. Many benefit packages include programs that help deal with stress.
A trusted financial professional can help with the money issues. Setting priorities, goals, and short and long term plans can help manage the issue. Breaking a problem into smaller more manageable parts can make you feel
better about the situation, especially when you reach milestones on the journey to resolving the issue.
Don’t be afraid; you are not alone.
Chris Meyler
Financial Advisor & President